7 Mayıs 2016 Cumartesi

Exploring Formentera

                                                       Exploring Formentera
 With few hotels and plenty of seclusion on offer Formentera is a paradise for those seeking a quiet holiday free from distractions The coastline is stunning with cyristal-claer turquoise waters and pristine beaches.The nightlife is calm and unhurried in the bars and resturaants of Sant-Francesc-the islands tiny capital.Es Pujols is the main resort It too is small scale but it is a lively fun place to be with some goog bars and a couple of laid-back clubs .For a little gentle sightseeing the island has a handful of ancient defensive towers pretty village churches and some prehistoric ruins in Ca Na Costa



Following his victory over the British Louis-François-Armand du de Vignerot du Plessis a cousin of Cardinal Richelieu stopped at a locol inn where he was served a tasty sauce On his return to Paris he introduced the sauce to the royal court where the new garnish was an instant hit Already known on the islands as salsa mohonesa it became known in France as mayonnaise

Useful Words And Useful Phrases

                                            Useful Words

plese-por favor
                                                  Useful Shopping Words

 I would like-Me gustarıa
Do you have-Tinen
this one-Este                           
                                           Useful Phrases 
                                 How are you?- como estas?
                                 Very well thanks-Muy bien gracias
                                   where is-Donde esta?
                                 How far is it to?-Cuantos?

Exploring Ibıza

                                                                   Exploring Ibiza

Ibiza has much to offer holidaymakers ıt is the Mediterraneans club capital and the majority of visitors come here to enjoy the delights of over 50 local beaches in sheltered coves as well as to revel in the nightclubs of Eivissa and Sant Antoni Everyone should visit Dalt Vila Eivissa old town for its Gothic cathedral and to see and be seen in one of the many swanky restaurants and chic bars.Those in search of tranquility can head for the peppered with old stone cottages For the energetic the rugged coastline to northwest provides excellent walking

Exploring Mallorca Islands

                                                          Exploring Mallorca

Most vısıtors to Mallorca come in search of sun and make the most of the nightclubs discos waterparks and the plentiful supply of clean beaches.Many also enjoy the historic towns and vilages particularly the winding streets of the islands capital Palma which has lots to see and a wide range of shops and restaurants.Visitors looking for the best beaches go to the Badia de Palma region or to the notheastern shores of the ısland

Joan Mıro

                                                                     Joan Mıro

One of the best known artists of the 20th century Mıro was a Catalan through and thorough.Initally influenced by Fauvism and later by Dadaism and Surrealisim he developed his own unique style marked by lyricism and lively colouring.After arriving in Mallorca he became interested in graphics ceramics and sculpture scoring significant succes in every art from.His works can be seen in his studio on the outskirts of Palma where he lived and worked from 1956 He died in Palma in 1983

Museu de Mallorca

                                                                    Museu de Mallorca
 The  best museum in the Baleric Islands can be found close to La Seu in Palau Ayamans a residence built an Arab  house which is still visible in the underground rooms of the museum.Opened in 1968 the museum houses a superb collection of works of art associated with Mallorcan history.The collection comprises several thousand exbiths and includes prehistoric artifacts found during archaeological excavations stone fragments jewellery and medieval and Broque paintings.

30 Nisan 2016 Cumartesi

Outdoor Activities

The Spain is suitable for all types of sport.Because of the warm climate of course the most populer of these are water sports.Such as windsurfing saıling fishing divining and snorkelling.You can also go hiking horse riding and play golf
The Spain is not populer with windsurfing professionals.Because winds are not strong enought.But ıts good place for beginners.There are some schools to teach windsurfing and hire equipment
Saılıng is the most populer water sport in the Spain .There are really important regattas such as Kings Cup and the Princess Sofia Trophy .They attract many of worlds sailors .Almost every coastal town has ıts own marina .Many  yachts from all over Europe visit these marines and stay for winter 
Despite the fact that there are plenty of fishes fishing is not populer sport here.
Diving And Snokelling
The Spain has clean and clear coastals and diversity of underwater flora for  dıvıng Diving is as populer as saıling.every seaside resort has ıts own diving centre so you can hire equipment go for a test dive and take a course ıf you  want to complete the beggıners course in scuba-dıving you sholud stay one-week.They provide qualfied teachers and necessary equipment 
Hiking is becoming populer in ısland the best area for hiking is mountainous regions of Mallarco  Hiking in here is diffucult but you can have a wonderful experience and beatiful scenery.

17 Nisan 2016 Pazar

Tourist Paradise

                             Tourist Paradise
Tourist started to visit the Balleric Islands from early part of the 19.th century it is a opportunity for local economy every year 10 million visitors come the Islands Mallorco is the largerst ıslands and culturely the richest one İbiza is a entertainment of Europe.Menorca is an ideal place for families Formentera is suitable for those who search peace .You may meets  a celebrity .Because their house are here such as Mıcheal Schumacher and Claudia Schiffer the Islands  is also popüler among politicians and royalty for example Spanish royal familiy spend their summer in residence in Palma

Food And Drink


The Spain has unique foods specific to that region.If you visit the Spain.You should buy exisamada pastry as gift.Becuse ıt is boxed to transport easiliy .Another famouse food is sobrasada.It is a spiciy pork sausage .You can also buy dried pepers from food stores they seem calourful and attractive
The most popüler alcohols of the Spain are gin from Mao and herb liqeurs.You can taste them on shops.Various liqueurs are produced in that Spain wines are also popüler the best wines come from the Binisalem region on Mallorca .Every year in september a great wine festivil is organised in Mallorca.There are only two wines producing places .These are Binisalem and Pla i Llevant in Spain.


16 Nisan 2016 Cumartesi


                                                    Museu Nacional Art de Catalunya
The mueseum was built in 1929.You can see Works of Romantic and Gotic heritage .The most fascinating piece of the museum is middle age frescos.
Fundacio Tapies
The museum includes the Works of Antoni Tapies.You can see his early collages and mostly politic and social abstract works in that modern building
Cosmo Caixa Museu de la Cientia
The museum present exhibits about history of science.You should see exbits about earths geologic history Amazon rain forest and planetarium.There are activities for all nember of your familiy
Museu Frederic Mares
The museum includes collection of sculptor Frederic Mares he collected a lot of impressive art piece during his travels.These are various Romantic and Gotic religious art pieces such as dolls hand-held fans walking sticks and pipes
Museu Maritim
The museum its about maritime the exhibits present the history of maritime between.Middle Age and 19.century.You can see the real size copy of the ship 'Real' which used in Battle of Leponto between Ottomon Empire and Spain.The museum include also maps ship models and other tools about maritime

Where should you visit?

There are a lot of museums squares parks and historical places.I want to mention the top ten landsmarks
                               Sagrada Familia
Antoni Gaudi stardet to construct the Sagrada Familia church at 1926.Then Gaudi was die construction of the church stop Now architects continue to construct.They will finish construct of church at 2026
Plaçe Reial
It is one of the most beatiful  square.It is located in the centre of Barri Gotic .You can see arched buildings from 19 centure Street lamb desigrted by Gaudi and clubs
Plaçe de Catalunya
İt is the most crowded and energetic square of Barcelona .İt is looked in the centre of Barcelona you can see arrive here buy trens bus undregrands the square contains lot of shopping moll Peruvian musians and tourist with their back-pack
Plaçe del Rei
İt is one of the most prodected Middle Age Square.You should see Salo del Tinel that contains a Gotic ceromany saloon and thorone room and Palou Reial from 14. centure
Plaça de Sant Jaume
İt is the adminstrative square of modern Spain it reflects the power of history of Spain.You can visit Palau de la Generelibed and Churchs and Cathedrals
Esglesia de Santa Maria del Mar
İt is wonderful example of Catalan Gotic architecture the church present sober beuty.This silent and peaceful place was decorated with the paint of Ferrer Bassa with inculudes allbaster grave of the founder of the church Queen Elisendra


               How Dou You Go To Spain?

Turkish Airlenes have voyages to Barcelona the capital   of Spain from İstanbul the voyages continue for 2,5 hours.You can go to the centre of the ciyt by bus or taxi

When should you go to Spain?
       If you want    to enjoy  the sun     and wonderful beaches you sholud visit the Spain in the summer but other places may be closed the city is guiter on may abd september
When should you eat?
Spanish people have later meal times in compairison with other Europe an people .They usually have lunch beetwen two a clock an three a clock .They usually have dinner after nine o clock


I want to make an Engilis Project.Becuse my engilish grade was bad.Also ı choose to search about Spainish culture.Becuse I'am interested in Spanish culture.I alwasy want to see Barcelona.So I made trip guide of Barcelona.If one day I visit Barcelona I will use my trip guide